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A1 klassi puidugraanulid
Läbimõõt: 6mm-8mm
Madal tolmu sisaldus <1% Kõrge tuha sulamistemperatuur> 1200 ° C
Valmistatud parimatest neitsipuudest

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Categories: Energy Products, WOOD PELLETS



6mm puidugraanulite kirjeldus :
Puitgraanulid 6mm on mugav, ökonoomne ja tõhus viis kodu või ettevõtte soojendamiseks kodumaiste ja hangitavate kütustega.

A1 klassi puidugraanulid
Läbimõõt: 6mm-8mm
Madal tolmu sisaldus <1% Kõrge tuha sulamistemperatuur> 1200 ° C
Valmistatud parimatest neitsipuudest

Lehtpuit vs okaspuu puidugraanulid 6mm :
lehtpuud nagu vaher, tamm, kask ja saar. Ja me kõik teame, et paneme okaspuid nagu mänd, kuusk ja kuusk.

Euroopa puidugraanulite tarbimine :
Suurem osa tarbimisest läks soojuse tootmisele, moodustades 61.8%. Pelletikütuse tarbimine soojuse tootmiseks võib jagada kolme turgudeks – elamute kütmine (69%), äriküte (19%) ja koostootmisel toodetav soojus (12%). Ülejäänud 38.2% puidugraanulitest kasutati elektritootmiseks. Tuleb märkida, et graanulitest energia tootmiseks soojuse, elektri või mõlema jaoks on tehnoloogiad küpsed, pakkudes tõhusaid ja usaldusväärseid protsesse. Puitgraanulid 6mm.

6mm puidugraanulite eelised :
Kui soovite saada usaldusväärset soojusallikat, säästa raha ja aidata kaitsta keskkonda, on biomassiga puidugraanulid 6mm suurepärane valik. Kui pelletid põlevad, eraldavad nad sama palju süsinikdioksiidi, mida puidu biomass kasvu ajal neelab, muutes need süsinik-neutraalseks. Puitgraanulid 6mm

Pelleti suurepärane kvaliteet on pideva ja optimaalse kuumutusprotsessi saavutamiseks hädavajalik. Kuna kütusekvaliteedid on erinevad, on ahjude ja katelde omanike jaoks oluline valida õige kvaliteediga kütus, mis sobib kõige paremini nende paigaldusega.

Pelletite kasutamine soojuse tootmiseks oli ELis tugev sector. Pelletite kasutamine elektrienergia tootmiseks. Puitgraanulid 6mm.

Kuumutamisest hobuse allapanemiseni: puidugraanulid A1 kasutab:
Väike ja kompaktne toode, mis lahendab suuri väljakutseid. Meie graanulid on tõeline loodusjõud. Ligikaudu pudelikorgi kõrguse kohta on need energiarikkad, madala tuha, madala niiskuse ja puhta põletavusega kütteallikad puidugraanulite küttekehadele ja kateldele elamu-, äriütte kateldele elamu-, äriütte-ja suuremahulistes töndus Puitgraanulid 6mm.

Meie 6mm puidugraanulid muudavad hobuste voodipesu loomuliku ja mugava valiku. Need on hästi imavad, vähendavad drastiliselt aja mahavõtmist, vähendavad voodipesu tarbimist ning neid on lihtne ladustada ja transportida. Puitgraanulid 6mm.

Puidugraanulite hoidmine 6mm :
Parima pikaealisuse tagamiseks tuleks puidugraanuleid hoida siseruumides. Niisketes kohtades võib olla vaja õhukuivatit. Õige ladustamise korral võib pelletite kõlblikkusaeg olla üle kahe aasta, kuid ideaaljuhul kasutatakse neid kuue kuu jooksul. Europe Pelletsis suudame oma kõrge käibe määra tõttu pelleteid ladustada ka väljaspool, nii et ükski tonn pelletit pole väljaspool kuud või kaks. Puitgraanulid 6mm.

Puitgraanulid Vesi hävitab puidugraanulid. Puidugraanulite kotid ei ole veekindlad. Igas kotis on väikesed juukseaugud, mis võimaldavad graanulitel hingata. Eriline ettevaatus on vajalik vee imendumise vältimiseks.

Puidugraanulid A1 kaetakse kaubaaluse küljes UV-vastupidava koti / kapotiga, mis on efektiivne kuni 12 kuud. Ärge eemaldage kotti / kapoti enne, kui graanuleid kasutatakse. Puitgraanulid 6mm.

Acceptance and acceptance of raw materials:

The product is made on the territory of the plant.

Raw material acceptance site – concrete slabs.

A railway feeder comes to the site, which can be used to deliver raw materials. Truck driveways are also available.

The storage area for raw materials consists of a warehouse area and an area for direct supply of raw materials for processing.

Unloading of transport is carried out by a timber truck based on the LIEBHERR A 924 V excavator.

Unloading takes place in storage facilities or directly into the working area for supplying wood for processing. d0% bf% d0% b5% d0% bb% d0% bb% d0% b5% d1% 82% d1% 8b /

Acceptance of the quality and quantity of sawn timber is carried out on site together with radiological control. Puitgraanulid 6mm

Fuel pellets (or pellets) are biofuels made from compressed organic matter or biomass. Pellets can be made from any one of five main categories of biomass: industrial waste and by-products, food waste, agricultural residues, energy crops, and primary wood. % d1% 8a% d1% 80% d0% b2% d0% be-6% d0% bc% d0% bc /

Wood pellets are the most common type of fuel pellets and are usually made from compacted sawdust and associated industrial waste in sawmilling, wood and furniture manufacturing, and construction. Other sources of industrial waste include empty bunches of fruit, palm kernel shells, coconut shells, and tree tops and branches discarded during harvesting operations. The so-called “black pellets” are made from biomass, refined to coal, and have been developed for use in existing coal-fired power plants. Puitgraanulid 6mm

Pellets are classified by calorific value, moisture content and ash content, as well as by size. They can be used as fuels for power generation, commercial or residential heating, and cooking. Pellets are very dense and can be produced with low moisture content (below 10%), which allows them to be burned with very high combustion efficiency. Puitgraanulid 6mm

All European heating equipment is supplied with technical data sheets indicating biofuel parameters in order to achieve the highest possible efficiency and efficient operation. It is not uncommon for a supplier of low-quality pellet fuel to become the reason for the failure of pellet boilers. That is why consumers pay close attention to the quality of wood pellets.

The company uses environmentally friendly raw materials for the production of pellets, supplied under contracts with the state forestry of Ukraine. This enables us not only to guarantee the stability of quality indicators, but also to give guarantees of the stability of the volumes of supplied products. This type of cooperation predetermines the unconditional fulfillment of our obligations to counterparties. Puitgraanulid 6mm

Each released batch of our wood pellets meets specially developed and approved technical specifications, which makes our pellets competitive both in the domestic and foreign markets. The ash content of our pellets does not exceed 1%, which allows them to be used for heating private houses.

Diameter 6 mm;
Ash content up to 1%;
Humidity up to 9%;
Bulk density 630 kg / m3;
Abrasion – up to 3%;
Caloric content: 4600 kcal / kg.
Production technology:

The raw materials go to the crusher, which turns into flour. The resulting mass from it is fed into a dryer – into a pellet press, in which wood flour is pressed into pellets. Compression during pressing increases the temperature of the material, the lignin contained in the wood particles softens and sticks together into a dense cylinder. The production of one ton of pellets takes about 2.3-2.6 cubic meters of wood waste, plus 0.6 cubic meters of sawdust is burned per ton of products. Puitgraanulid 6mm

Finished granules are cooled, packed in various containers – from small packages of 15 kg to big bags (large industrial packages) weighing 1.1 tons – or delivered to the consumer in bulk.

A pellet stove is a stove that burns compressed wood pellets or biomass pellets to create a heat source for residential and sometimes industrial premises. By continuously supplying fuel from the storage tank (bunker) to the combustion zone, it produces a constant flame that requires little or no physical adjustment. Puitgraanulid 6mm

The efficiency of a pellet stove can reach 90% or more. … It is more than a classic wood-burning stove, with an efficiency of only 40 to 50% (60 to 80% for modern high-efficiency stoves) and much more than an open fire, with an efficiency of 5 to 15%. Puitgraanulid 6mm

Pellet stoves can only burn wood pellets (as Jody mentioned) or biofuels like dried corn (depending on the actual model). It would be unwise to try to burn logs or sticks inside a pellet stove, because a pellet stove does work. Puitgraanulid 6mm

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